Grow without limit

Department Documents

The need for a common place to store documents has been available on file shares or OneDrive for quite some time. The challenge with such structures is that it is always up to everyone to structure their content, and finding documents is challenging and time consuming. It is hard to agree on good structures and they change over time.

But we have the ultimate solution for this problem that will delight everyone at your company!

An image showing a users latest documents in BIP365

A dynamic content

management solution

All your work collected in one platform.

An image showing detailed information about a specific document in BIP365

Document & Content Management

The solution consists of some main parts:

  1. Centralized storage

    • BIP365 collects all your documents, presentations, images, videos (formal and informal) in one location. Available through all devices, from all locations and through applications user already utilize, such as Microsoft Teams.

  2. Pre-defined document structures and classes

    • A pre-defined document structure and classification for the most common department documents companies create that you can build upon.

  3. Virtual libraries

    • The ability to build virtual document structure of both formal or informal documents and use different structures for different target audiences across departments or locations.

    • Integrate them with Microsoft Teams to replace the standard Documents library in each Team site!

  4. Business process automation

    • Define your business process rules and make business users follow them automatically. Which allows for informal and formal documents to co-exist together.

  5. Ready to use Document templates

    • Document templates will help you include the correct information, logos and branding of all your documents.

  6. Automated document authoring

    • Auto-populate relevant properties so the users only must enter a minimum amount of information when creating documents.

      • The system can fill out document properties on its own.

      • Any property can be auto populated and maintained inside a Word document with the help of placeholders.

    Lifecycle Management

    • The user can select Lifecycle of the document and change it over time to just collaborate on documents or to formal approve and require digital signature on a document.

  7. Mass creation & approval

    • Document creation can be done in bulk, and they can be joined to the same process (in a lifecycle set).

      • This makes it easy to work on a group of documents.

      • It makes it easy to share and approve groups of documents.

  8. Built in Digital Signatures

    • Use Digital Signatures and pre-configured approval chains to approve documents.

      • Internally

      • Externally with partners, contractors, customers, or even consumers!

  9. Security by default

    • Classify and protect your documents by encrypting them on the file level!

    • Provides controlled sharing of a group of documents with external partners, contractors, or customers!

  10. Audit Management

    • There are detailed audit logs for both documents and processes!

BIP365 virtualize structures and allow millions of documents to be structured in any way each target audience see fit. This means that a library, a folder or tree structure can change over time, without moving a single document!

An image of a users created documents in BIP365, from a mobile

Continue your work on the go!

With the help of our Intranet, you can expand the experience for your end users and visually guide them through processes and on where to find relevant information.

Harmonize your workplace with BIP365