Improved quality and compliance

Quality management

An image of a landing page in BIP365 containing a process diagram and additional information connected to the process/page.

Prioritize quality, define & comply through BIP 365

With our Quality management you're able to visualize and automate business processes to ensure that the entire company stays compliant.

You can distribute documents, videos, PowerPoints etc. to groups of users with a read and understood function which can be tracked directly in BIP. We also provide document structures and document templates for several of the ISO standards!

Providing company insight to employees can sometime be a struggles as some might lack access to systems or simple does not take part of the material provided. For example, to achieve an ISO standard you need to make sure employees comply to established business processes and are informed of possible changes immediately.

Visualize processes and connect them with documents in BIP365 to anchor the process.

Quality management

  1. Use the pre-defined document structures and templates to ensure you're comply to ISO standards and uphold quality requirements.

  2. Get periodic reminders for review of documents with an advance notice.

  3. Visualize business processes through Visio or PowerPoints that can be embedded on the Intranet.

    1. Only one person needs a Visio license while all other employees can take part of it through the Intranet.

  4. Share Intranet pages with employees without an Outlook email.

  5. Changes to processes in BIP 365 are immediate. Which means that all employees will start working according to the new process as soon as it's configured.

  6. Automate review and approval workflows on a granular level for documents such as policies, deviations, CAPAs etc. to ensure all employees automatically stay compliant.

  7. Send documents (policies, work instructions, operating procedures, processes etc.), videos and other content to groups of employees for read and understood training.

    1. Said employees will be tasked with reading through the material and electronically sign for their participation before their training is complete.

    2. Training managers can follow employees progress directly in BIP 365, remove and add employees to the group and promote the training to "completed" if necessary before the end date.

    3. When all employees have completed the training it can automatically be promoted to Effective (complete).

    4. Employees will be send reminder to complete the training when the end date is closing in if their task haven't been completed.

  8. Distribute content (documents, videos, PPT’s etc.) via email or to BIP 365 users if allowed during a particular process stage. If needed the access can be revoked immediately and can no longer be accessed by the receiver.

  9. Detailed audit logs track all changes to documents and processes.

  10. User access to documents and libraries are automatically applied when a document is created/uploaded.

Tasks can be executed on any device!

An image of a task assigned to a user in BIP365, in a mobile.

BIP 365 Quality management and Procedure Documents are the perfect combination for achieving ISO standards and upholding them. It minimized the need for separate system as processes can be visualized and automated while documents are easily distributed to employees and information secured inside and outside the organization.

Streamline internal and external collaborations with BIP 365