Automate business processes to increase productivity

What is a business process?

A business process is a set of activities or tasks outlined to reach a specific business goal set by the organization. The goal needs a meaningful purpose and it needs to produce a consistent outcome.

Business processes are often visualized as a flowchart that describes alternative paths, possible outcome(s) and it’s intention. The benefits of using business processes include improved customer satisfaction and the ability to faster comply to market changes.
We also like to see them as a way of sharing and democratizing how the business works across the organization.

Examples of business processes

An overall business process can explain how your goods or services flows in your organization and how it is supported like this for example:

This can be the starting point and then you can navigate down to each area to see which sub-processes the main process consists of. This is usually part of your quality management efforts.

A subprocess could be onboarding a new employee in the Document Management System. The routine might vary from company to company, but this is just an example.

  • Create a new account in the current DMS.

  • Send all the relevant documents to the new employee.

  • Make sure they are read/understood.

  • Give user access to department (role) specific documents and files.

Each step may include multiple smaller activities/tasks which each may have their own business process in place. In most cases these steps are manual which can cause information being lost or wrongfully distributed. And that’s where the automation comes in.

Business Process Automation

BPA or Business Process Automation solutions are designed to increase the efficiency of processes throughout the organization. BPA can be standalone software or included as a feature in existing software. No matter the case they bring a lot of benefits, such as:

  • Reduced risk
    Processes will be fixed according to organizational rules, which reduces the risk for human errors and bottlenecks. It also allows for identification and elimination of duplicated tasks.

  • Minimized costs
    By improving the insight into processes, resources can be placed more accurately. Such as, reducing human effort on previously time consuming tasks.

  • Improved productivity
    Optimized processes, without human interference, will increase the speed of which they are executed. All the steps from start to approval will take less time and be more accurately performed.

  • Increased compliance
    With a BPM solution, it’s easy to comply with organizational regulations and standards and to create audit trails, both inside and outside of the organization.

Automate your own business processes

Having business processes in place are crucial for any company. It defines a common goal for teams/departments which also reassures employees in their roles. And by automating these processes the benefits are even greater, as described above.

As BPA software are taking over the pricey consultant era is running to an end. BPA solutions gives companies the ability to empower themselves and keep valuable information within the organization.

Did you know that in BIP365 you can automate your business processes which will increase productivity, empower your business users and reduce costs. With little to no training you can use Power Point and Visio to create and navigate your business process and associated documents.
BIP365 is an all-in-one application that includes all current and future features for the same low price.


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