5 reasons you should move to the cloud

Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic

Cloud storage has been around for quite some time now, but during the COVID-19 pandemic many businesses realized that their workplace structure is more fragile than they accounted for due to the fact that they didn’t utilize cloud storage sufficiently. No one could have predicted this pandemic to effect the entire world as it did, but thanks to it some key points were discovered that would apply to most:

  • Employees was not able to reach their work from home. Either due to their storage only being accessible on-premises or that the hadn’t gone paper-less.

  • Their current infrastructure was not able to handle the online workload, and trying to quickly solve the server capacity was impossible due to restrictions or to it being too time-consuming.

  • Security was compromised when employees started working remotely since their protection was only applicable on-premises.

  • There were an insufficient supply of approved software to use in order to continue their work remotely. Since many didn’t need that kind of remote solutions previously when meetings could be done in person for example.

Benefits of moving to cloud

All of issues above can be seen as reasons to move your work into the cloud, but there are also additional benefits:

  1. Your data will be accessible from anywhere and more secure

    By using a cloud service to store all of your data/information, everyone working in your organization are able to reach their work no matter where in the world they reside. This will provide opportunities to expand in new countries and hire personal that previously wouldn’t be eligible because they can not or do not want to relocate. Security is also increased since file level security and multi factor authentication is available out-of-the-box.

  2. You will reduce costs on storage and IT-staff

    By not having the storage on-premises you are able to reduce the costs of space and hardware, and of course reduce staffing costs by not needing personal on location to run maintenance.

  3. Future-proof your workplace

    Would we ever find ourselves in another crises, big or small, your workplace would already be prepared for personal to work off-premises. Most businesses could then continue as usual, minimizing the effects on them personally and on the economics worldwide.

  4. It’s more reliable than traditional on-premises solutions

    By moving your data into the cloud you can run maintenance off-premises and data loss/recovery is handled by the cloud provider, meaning that the move will save you both time and money.

  5. Implementation is fast and scalable

    Cloud storage is constantly evolving, using the latest standards, security features, and it’s not dependent on having lengthy downtimes for software updates, hardware moves etc. It’s also provides the possibility to optimize and accelerate workflows without it effecting the uptime. Security patches and updates are also rolled out regularly by default.

What now?

If you still have doubt that moving to the cloud would be a costly and lengthy decision, we would love to show you otherwise. As highly experienced in digitalizing businesses we can perform this operation painless and risk free.

Contact us for a quote


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