The potential of Microsoft Power BI

Microsoft Power BI is a tool in which you can turn all your collected data into powerful insights to then convert them into viable actions. Since its release in 2015 it’s been providing valuable truths to companies all over the world and within all industries. Power BI centralizes your data in one secure platform and uncovers actionable insights which can be shared with Teams and colleagues.

In 2023, Microsoft’s AI tool Copilot was incorporated in order to create an even more in-depth data visualizations and insights. But what good do these products do when you don’t have the time, resources, or knowledge to utilize them?

Person scrolling through bar chart on a tablet

There is a but….

Yes, Microsoft Power BI is a powerful tool but very few are prepared for the complicated integrations and data accuracy needed to gain these insights. Some of the challenges that may arise are:

  1. The integrations from other systems into Power BI requires a skilled developer which are knowledgeable of both Microsoft systems but also the systems they want to integrate.

  2. The systems you want to pull data from needs to be prepared for such an event. If it’s not, the developers need to create an integration solution.

  3. The pulled data needs to be structured and save somewhere before presented in Power BI.

  4. To present relevant data in a Power BI report you are required to drill down and be able to convey it correctly. Meaning that you would need a data analytics expert to gain those valuable insights.

  5. Last but not least, is the data accurate, how do you verify that your report shows the correct data and values?

These are just some of the overall challenges, when looking into each specific case the amount might accumulate.

Laptop open and displaying javascript code

Overcoming the challenges

So how should you go about managing these challenges?

First you need to do a business analysis to pinpoint the issues your organization may struggle with and where productivity could be increased. To get an accurate view of your organization you’d do best by hiring an outside company. Preferably the same company that could help you create the Power BI report to minimize the time to a finished solution.

Second, you should spend some time investigating which outside company would match your requirements. Are they experienced in the field of software development, specifically regarding Microsoft products? How long have they been in the trade and which previous projects have they been a part of? If you’re unsure, always ask for references and CVs of their developers. If you are to hire a company with consultants there is always a risk that you end up spending additional time managing them, therefore in-house developers are preferred in such a project. That way you get a project manager for “free”, due to the company managing their own resources.

So, in conclusion, investigate matching companies thoroughly to minimize the time spend later on in the project, and it will ultimately cost you less to hire an out-side company to run the project if they are able to deliver a sustainable solution.

Two business colleagues high fiving with each other


Microsoft Power BI and Copilot are two powerful tools if you’re able to utilize them correctly, but don’t underestimate the possible challenges coming with them. Even if you do have in-house resources, it could cost you less and prove more beneficial to hire an outside company to complete a business analysis and provide a solution.

Borgent has vast experience of analyzing businesses, Microsoft products, software development and delivering sustainable solutions. With projects completed for some of the largest manufacturing and delivery companies in Sweden, which to this day still utilized these data reports through Power BI for increased productivity!

Contact us today for more information about these projects and how we would help you.


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